The IPC Network works to advance IPC across the health system, building on system-wide IPC leadership and networks. As a partnership between member organizations and University of Toronto, Centre for Advancing Collaborative Health Care and Education (CACHE), the IPC Network champions a collaborative, innovative, connected, and impactful approach to collaborative healthcare and education through the exchange of knowledge, best practices and the identification of collective priorities.
The importance of IPC Network present and future work includes providing knowledge forums for sharing best practice in IPC, mobilizing shared knowledge, approaches and experiences with system-wide common IPC priorities knowledge into intra- and inter-organizational action, championing purposeful engagement and inclusion of key stakeholders (patients, families, learners, providers) and organizations and engaging in collective evaluation, scholarship and/or research.
Terms of Reference for this network
Dean Lising
IPC Network Co-Chair, Integration Lead, Centre for Advancing Collaborative Healthcare & Education (CACHE)
Katherine Vandenbussche
IPC Network Co-Chair, Manager, Centre for Education, North York General Hospital