Interprofessional Simulation Video Clips
Interprofessional Simulation Training Video Clips - Online Streaming and DVDs
*NEW SERIES* of Simulation Training Clips Available!
Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Simulation Videos with Facilitation Guides
Free access for University of Toronto faculty, staff and students with UTORIDs
- Once logged in use Search function and Keyword Search: Interprofessional and Sort By: Newest to view the new clips.
For organizations interested in the purchase of a streaming for the new simulation clips, please see details below:
In Canada
Via McIntyre Media.
For Post-Secondary Organizations:
For Practice/Community Organizations:
In USA and International
Via Films on Demand
Original Series: Interprofessional Education and Care Simulation Videos
The series is available for purchase via a streaming license through a partnership with Kanopy. With features such as playlist and clip creation, simultaneous unlimited access, Learning Management System integration, sophisticated analytics and reporting, social media apps, and device compatibility; students, faculty and clinicians can easily access video clips anywhere, anytime. More information on Online streaming with IPE.
Search for "interprofessional".
DVD 1: Student Experiences in Interprofessional Education.
This DVD presents scenes with health professional students serving as primary characters who test elements of collaboration in their workplace.
DVD 2: DVD & CD Set 2: Collaboration in Primary Care: A Professional Development Multi-Media Toolkit
This DVD presents the Primary Care Setting; providing both video clips on DVD and a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentations and handouts that may be used to encourage an understanding of why and how interprofessional collaboration can assist in enhancing patient and provide satisfaction.
DVD 3: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in Primary Care
This DVD contains 9 video clips that highlight interprofessional collaboration in a primary care setting.
DVD 4: Carole Laurin: Reflections on Interprofessional Care.
In this DVD, Carole Laurin tells of her experiences with the health care system after suffering a stroke. Carole estimates that she saw over 300 healthcare providers during the course of her treatment and recovery process.
DVD 5: Don't These People Talk to Each Other?
A 21-minute documentary that engages members of the healthcare community, researchers and government representatives about interprofessional education and the imperative for action.
DVD 6: Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration with Students
A DVD and teaching insert that highlights key teaching principles, potential facilitation challenges and provides examples of effective facilitation with interprofessional groups of students.