Interprofessional Simulation Video Clips

Interprofessional Simulation Training Video Clips - Online Streaming and DVDs

*NEW SERIES* of Simulation Training Clips Available! 

Collaboration and Teamwork in Health Care Simulation Videos with Facilitation Guides

Free access for University of Toronto faculty, staff and students with UTORIDs

  • Once logged in use Search function and Keyword SearchInterprofessional and Sort By: Newest to view the new clips.
Collaboration & Teamwork in Health Care Videos

For organizations interested in the purchase of a streaming for the new simulation clips, please see details below:

In Canada

Via McIntyre Media.  

For Post-Secondary Organizations:

For Practice/Community Organizations: 

In USA and International

Via Films on Demand

Original Series: Interprofessional Education and Care Simulation Videos


The series is available for purchase via a streaming license through a partnership with Kanopy.  With features such as playlist and clip creation, simultaneous unlimited access, Learning Management System integration, sophisticated analytics and reporting, social media apps, and device compatibility; students, faculty and clinicians can easily access video clips anywhere, anytime.  More information on Online streaming with IPE.


University of Toronto faculty, staff and students with UTOR IDs, your free access is available via streaming,

Search for "interprofessional".

DVD 1: Student Experiences in Interprofessional Education.
This DVD presents scenes with health professional students serving as primary characters who test elements of collaboration in their workplace.
DVD 2: DVD & CD Set 2: Collaboration in Primary Care: A Professional Development Multi-Media Toolkit
This DVD presents the Primary Care Setting; providing both video clips on DVD and a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentations and handouts that may be used to encourage an understanding of why and how interprofessional collaboration can assist in enhancing patient and provide satisfaction.
DVD 3: Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in Primary Care
This DVD contains 9 video clips that highlight interprofessional collaboration in a primary care setting.
DVD 4: Carole Laurin: Reflections on Interprofessional Care.
In this DVD, Carole Laurin tells of her experiences with the health care system after suffering a stroke. Carole estimates that she saw over 300 healthcare providers during the course of her treatment and recovery process.
DVD 5: Don't These People Talk to Each Other?
A 21-minute documentary that engages members of the healthcare community, researchers and government representatives about interprofessional education and the imperative for action.
DVD 6: Facilitating Interprofessional Collaboration with Students
A DVD and teaching insert that highlights key teaching principles, potential facilitation challenges and provides examples of effective facilitation with interprofessional groups of students.