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Vision, Mission, Aspirations
Learning Together for a Healthier World
As a Centre, we are advancing collaborative healthcare and education. We are pushing the boundaries of our knowledge base and practices in relation to collaboration and IPE.
We see collaboration as the continual act of working and learning together with all who are involved in health care: patients/clients, families, caregivers, communities, health professionals, support workers, administrative professionals, policymakers, and more.
We are committed to a healthier world: a stronger society that supports the health and wellbeing of its citizens, through collective efforts, dialogue, and meaningful inclusion.
Finally, when we say “healthcare” at our Centre, we mean this broadly: community and population health and health promotion; acute to home-based or long-term care; prevention, treatment, care, support, partnership and rehabilitation across contexts such as clinics, community centres, individual homes and shared living spaces, hospitals, schools, and more.
Our Centre will advance the knowledge and practice of collaboration toward the goal of supporting a healthier world.
It will do this by advancing evidence-informed pedagogies and an integrated
curriculum that prepares learners for compassionate and ethical collaboration, teamwork, and interprofessional work in the diverse contexts of health, healthcare, and social care. It will also offer innovative professional/faculty development programs to support practitioners and workers to continually learn and grow. It will partner to shape policies, systems, and technologies in ways that promote and support collaboration.
The Centre remains committed to its founding partners—the University of Toronto and the Toronto Academic Health Science Network with University Health Network as lead hospital—while continually exploring new relationships that drive toward its vision of learning together for a healthier world.

Our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan outlines 3 Aspirations, their associated Activities, and our approach to achieving them. We invite you to explore our full strategic plan, which you can download to read in full.
Our Aspirations are:
• Including: Redefining teams and collaboration through meaningful inclusion and representation.
• Integrating: Integrating curricula, knowledge, and practice by connecting people, places, and programs.
• Inspiring: Inspiring and leading collaboration through partnerships and innovation.
These Aspirations will be achieved:
• In partnership;
• Through an interprofessional lens